Friday 9 November 2012

Since the shoot day

This week I have been editing our music video while Mina has worked particularly on the Digipak and Chuffy and Sarah on our website.


I began editing by looking through all our footage, which I was really pleased with.  I then chose my favourite clip for each shot we did and synced it in order.  I did this with all of our establishing shots, which included all the wides and also our super-wides of the three sets.

It wasn't too much of a challenge to sync most of the clips as we began many of our shots with the beginning of the song.  However, some clips I had to sync later on in the track, which was a bit harder. I did this by listening to a certain lyric in the clip and then synced it with the lyric in the track we were using in Final Cut Pro.

In today's lesson, I started to do rough cuts of the wide shots in order.  This was quite challenging because we never filmed one shot of Emma singing the whole song.  So far, I have made a rough cut of the super-wide at the beginning of the music video and Emma in her dressing room.  While I was doing this, Mina and Chuffy were working on the Digipak.  At the end of the lesson, we had a production meeting and they showed me their ideas, which I'm really pleased with.

We all believe that the Digipak should show Emma as quite sexy as this it what will attract our target audience.  Here are some images of Emma that present the look we are going for:

Although, we may want to present her in a bit more of a fun and vibrant way (similar to our music video) as this would attract our more younger teen audience also.  This would include her maybe on her beach set.  As Mina took photographs throughout our shoot day we have a range of images from each set that we could use as well as other images from a photo shoot that we plan to do.  All images that wouldn't be used on the Digipak would be able to be used on our website.

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