Monday 19 November 2012

Focus Group

On Friday, our group presented a rough cut of the beginning of our music video, our website and our digipak so far to a focus group.  This was really interesting for us because the group fit our target audience of teenage girls.  We started by presenting our digipak:

It was decided that this digipak worked really well as it was fun and eye-catching.  We showed our group the digipak before the song/music video to see what they thought about the artist themselves.  Furthermore, we wanted them to see if they could figure out the genre and what the artist was like as our aim is to show this as clearly as possible on the digipak.  

Immediately someone mentioned that the digipak reminded her of Lily Allen.  This was a great comment because as shown on my blog, our group had previously researched Lily Allen and her target audience to see what devices she used to attract them (she had a similar target audience to us).  They thought that the artist looked fun and sexy.  

An improvement we could make to our digipak is the font as the focus group said that it was hard to read the songs on the back of the album.  

We then showed our focus group our website:

The most significant point that came out of their response was that it differed with the digipak too much and made Emma look like a different artist.  In our website she looked a lot more similar to an artist like Lana Del Ray and therefore would attract an older target audience.  This was due to the colours used on the website as they weren't as colourful as the digipak.

Although our website had really positive feedback, our digipak attracts our target audience the most and therefore we will have to make some changes.  This would really only involve changing the main picture on the homepage of our website and the colours.  The picture shows Emma in a more serious light, which differs to our digipak considerably.

We also decided that the font on the website needed to be changed to be it more fun and quirky like the album.  Sarah finally managed how to do this by searching it on google as it was challenging to find it on the wix website:

Chuffy also made some merchandise for our website:

Although, I think the clothes need to be changed as they aren't girly or fashionable enough and our group has agreed that we will have a production meeting about this.

We then showed our focus group a rough cut of our music video.

They really liked it so far and therefore I will carry on working with it.  The first response to the video was that it reminded them of the Dior advert, which was great as that was the look we were going for.  They also said that it was very similar to the digipak and therefore it was evident that we needed to change the website to suit these two more. 

They really like the shots where we filmed through the photographers camera and therefore I am sure I will leave this in both the photoshoots.

 I hope to have completed a rough cut of the whole music video by the end of the week.

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