Thursday 11 October 2012

Research Task

These week, our group have been researching our genre for our artist, who our target audience is and what pleasure they get out of consumption. We decided that our genre for our artist was electro pop/punk pop and our target audience was definitely teenage girls.  Then we decided that our similar artists were Lily Allen, Avril Lavigne and Vanessa Paradis.  We then split up to analyse the conventions of videos, websites, digipacks and posters/photoshoot for each one of these artists, which would help us in seeing what generic templates they used to appeal to the same target audience we are appealing to.

I was in charge of researching their websites and this is what I found:

We divided up each area so that we could share our findings:  Sarah researched music videos, Mina researched the posters and Chuffy researched the Digipacks.  We then combined all of our findings together into a prezi.

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