Thursday 11 October 2012


We began our lesson today with a production meeting to organise what each person should be doing for our preparations.  During this meeting we also discussed some important points:

In yesterday's lesson, Sarah sent a few emails to our cast about costume.  In one of her emails, she asked if one of the boys had a waiter costume and he replied he did.  Therefore, we went on to discuss the rest of our costume and if we would need to ask the drama department for anything.  In yesterday's lesson, Sarah looked at costume for our boys and we discussed whether what she had chosen was suitable.

Our final decisions:

Greg Fellows and Toby = big boots, denim jeans, white top (all can provide themselves).  We would need to provide two worker belts and we would ask the drama department for this.

Hendrick = He would be the barman in our music video and is providing the outfit himself.
Jack = He would be the photographer and would wear jeans and a top (providing himself)

We would ask the other boys to wear casual clothing as they will be in the cafe/bar or playing in the band.  This clothing would be things such as, black jeans and a shirt.

Plum = our make up artist would wear all black, hair in a bun and minimal makeup

In further discussions, our group decided that Chuffy would personally talk to Jack to make sure he was receiving our emails as he hadn't replied for a while.  Mina and Chuffy also decided to edit the animatic storyboard that I redid, which they filmed yesterday in the lesson.  While they were doing this, Sarah and I worked together on costume and props.

We began by making a list of all the props that our group would have to bring in ourselves:

We then made a list of the props we would need to ask the drama department for:

Therefore, by the end of the lesson Sarah and I had organised all props and costume.  The only thing we needed to discuss was if Emma had found anything in her wardrobe as I had sent her an email earlier on in the week asking if she had any costume herself:

Mina and Chuffy also finished the editing the animatic.  Sarah and I also emailed our cast booking a rehearsal:

Therefore, all we have left is to buy our props/costume, paint screens for sets, production schedule, call sheet, finish costume with Emma and to make sure that all our rehearsals take place and we book more if needed.  Overall, I believe this lesson was very useful for our preparation process.

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