Thursday 13 December 2012

Final Products

Last Friday was the deadline for our products and therefore, our group completed the music video, website and digipak for then. 

Here is the digipak:

I am really pleased with the digipak as it compliments the music video considerably presenting Emma in a fun, flirtatious, yet cheeky and sexy way.  Mina decided to have interesting angled shots of only sections of Emma in each cover of the digipak. A4 panel digipak also worked out to be more effective.

Response to audience feedback
Mina took the feedback into consideration and consequently, she made the font clearer.  She also tried to move the font (names of songs) on the back cover to be a bit more visible but we decided against this, as it became disaligned with the barcode and wasnt' as presentable.  We thought about changing the colour of the font but this didn't work either.  

The website:

I am also really pleased with the website, which also compliments the other products since we received audience feedback.

Response to audience feedback
Sarah and Chuffy took into consideration the fact that the website didn’t represent our artist as well as it should.  They changed the background for the website and used an image of Emma that reflected her in the exact way that both the music video and digipak do.  

During our production meeting, we realised that the website had 'Emma Hodgson' on the homepage while the digipak had 'Emma' and therefore we decided to take off 'Hodgson' on the website's homepage to make the products more similar:

The original merchandise I didn't feel were very suitable and in the production meeting it was clear our group agreed.  Chuffy, therefore, improved the merchandise page considerably and now it suits the feel of our artist much more as it relates to our fans that are interested in fashion at beauty:

Overall, I am really happy with our final products and think they represent our artist really well.  After researching into similar products, we realised that we wanted our artist to be similar to singers like Lily Allen as they are fun, target a young girl audience but are also attractive and sexy.  I feel that we have reached this goal with our finalised products and that the audience feedback we received helped us to fulfil this.  I feel that our group worked really well together and never had any serious problems with the tasks we decided to give one another and the goals we set for each product.

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