Thursday 15 December 2011

Shooting Schedule

9:00-9:30:  Set up Studio
9:30-10:00: Work with cast on rehearsing scenes and sorting costumes/makeup
10:00-10:30:  Go through all shots by taking pictures on camera of each shot needed to be taken that day in order (this made a schedule of what we needed to take/how and when)
10:00-1:00: Filming shots in order (aiming to get half of them done)
10:00-11:00:  Filming wide shots
11:00-1:00:  Finish filming any wide shots and start filming mid shots.  If finished, start filming other shots.
1:00-2:00:  LUNCH BREAK
1:30-2:00: Makeup touch up
2:00-3:00: Finishing rest of shots, which included filming close-ups, high angle shots and any other shots needed for Thriller
3:00-3:30: Clear up of studio

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