Thursday 15 December 2011

shot list

Orginal Plan for Shot List

  1. Wide shot of room
  2. Mid shot of Simon
  3. Shot reverse shots between Simon and Terroist (using mid/closeups)
  4. Reaction shot of terroist wiping spit off his face
  5. Cuts to Reaction shot of Simon being hit on the face by terroist (mid/close up)
  6. Wide shot of Terroist walking around Simon on the chair on the phone
  7. Close up/mid shot of terroist holding up phone
  8. Close ups between shot reverse shots
  9. Over the shoulder shot (over Simon) to show Terrroist holding up camera phone to Simon
  10. Mid/close up shot of Simon crying

Edited version
  1. Mid shot of Simon
  2. Wide shot of the Room and Simon on the chair
  3. Back to mid shot of Simon being punched
  4. Mid shot of Russian
  5. Medium-wide shot of Simon, Russian and main Russian entering
  6. Medium-wide shot of Simon and the other Russian (main Russian then enters shot and speaks)
  7. Two shot of Simon and main Russian
  8. Medium close-up of Russian
  9. Over the shoulder closeup of Russian
  10. High angle shot of Simon getting punched
  11. Long shot of Simon getting punched
  12. Close up of Simon in the water
  13. Wide shots and Closeups of Russians
  14. Wide shot of the room showing Simon's daughter being brought in
  15. Two shots of Simon and daughter on the floor

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