Wednesday 23 November 2011


Characters: 3 bad guys, spy, spies’ wife and daughter.
Main bad guy = Saeed
Spy = Simon

Saeed:  Read it.

Simon: what is this?

Saeed:  this is no time for games. Read it or your family will die. 

Simon reacts by spitting at the terrorist

Saeed: Hits the spy and phones his colleague, says in foreign language “Get them ready”

Saeed: My family and all my friends are dead because of your people and now a member of your family will die because you have not obeyed my orders.  (Holds up camera phone to Simon) Choose which one will die now. Your wife or your child?

Simon: (crying) please…don’t do this.

Saeed: (interrupts his crying) do what I say!

Simon: (Silent)

Saeed: (foreign language “Kill the wife”)

Simon: (looks at the camera and sees wife getting shot, starts screaming and crying) Noooo!

Saeed: (Puts the paper in front of spy) Read it or your daughter will be next!

Simon: (Stares at the paper and sobs)

Screen fades into black and title appears


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