Tuesday 18 October 2011

What is a thriller? What types of thrillers are there?

Thrillers are a genre essentially about the battle of justice vs. injustice and there is often a price to be paid for the consequence of the story. They can also be defined by their point of view and all possible central figures of the narrative can have both major and minor character roles.
Conventions of a thriller
- Protagonist at mercy of the antagonist
- Sudden unexpected action/movement/sound causing an easy shock
- False ending
- Making the story become personal - changing the professional action to a personal quest or turning the protagonist into the victim
- force the audience to imagine some things and leave it up to them to decide how to look at certain things in the story
3 examples of genres of thrillers:
1. Conspiracy Thrillers - where the hero approaches a big, powerful group of enemies in which he only understands their true extent.
2. Psychological Thrillers - the conflict between the main characters are more mental and emotional rather than physical. Although ultimately this often results in a violent resolution.
3. Horror Thrillers - conflict between main characters is emotional, physical and mental. Therefore, Horror Thrillers can combine all of the other Thriller elements

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